Sound Design for Media


Assignment 4


“Day at Work”

In this scene the robot WALL-E is hard at work creating cubes from trash left behind on Earth by humans. During this scene WALL-E interacts with many different artifacts of the human world.

00:01-Clarinet music starts

00:01-Tire treads sounds

WALL-E sighs

Tires again.

Music lowers in volume

Crushing sound!!

Music is muted

Mechanical sounds ( like articulations of some sort )—Mirco motors? Drivers?


Mirco motors. Drivers. WALL-E scrabbles

Mechanical buzzes and beeps

“ohh” Worried tone form WALL-E


‘Boink!” Quickly followed by the scattering of tiny feet. They sound slightly distant.

WALL-E treads Change in sound as they descend down a metal ramp.
WALL-E treads begin to muffle as the terrain has changed and is speeding away. Some robot beeping.
the scattering of tiny feet pan from right to left and decrease in volume.

Robotic arm stretching and the sound of a cutlery door being tossed about. Opening and closing of metal apparatus.

“gagagagaagagggag  ha”

Echo sounds

Metal slam.

Strange distant echo.

Curious whistle

Strange distant echo.


Machine adjustments

Sound of belt flying through the air with a damp towel hitting the ground.

Sound of belt flying through the air. Closer to rightout put than last.

Sound of belt flying through the air. Closer to right output than last.

00:40Wobbling metal sound.

Metal chain. Switch sound. Distant car alarm engaged.

Robot Adjustments

Paddle ball sounds.  They get distorted.


rusty hindge

actuators sounds
coin being tossed.

Sound of small object jtting  a pile of leaves
Loud more consistent hinge sounds


Sound of belt flying through the air.


Sound of belt flying through the air. Closer to left output than last.


Sound of belt flying through the air. Closer to left output than last.

Can crashing.

Motors and small drivers. Robotic extensions
Motors and drivers.
Deep but soft metal on metal thud.
Motors and drivers.


Multiple Spraying sounds


Music stops.

Deep sound of belt flying through the air.

Deep ring of metal on metal followed by a crash in a pile of smaller things.

Music starts again but starts to descend in temp and volume. 
Clarinets and horns disappear.
Stringà violas have a much strong presence than before.

Strings begin  to trails off
End scene

 What is interesting about all of the sounds that Ben Bertt
(star wars and many other films à Indiana Jones, Toy Story and much more!!! Won 4 academy awards for his work in sound design)
Chose and created for the film. Every sounds is very exaggerated and over the top as sounds effects and some “voice” carry the entire story of the film. He had to design for any possible story telling element that was necessary for the film.

After watching this movie many times I have come to the conclusion that most if not all of the music and sounds from the mind/head of the protagonist WALL-E.

I say this because of the way the music in the background of the scene above is very cheery but at the same time it encourages the audience to be curious about WALL-E and his role on the post human Earth. What makes more so the music that WALL-E’s music or way of thinking is evident from his interactions with all of the objects in the scene. His is simply curious with the objects. The music changes according to his thoughts on an object in question.  The best example is from the sudden lack of music when the fire extinguisher is tossed to the distance by WALL-E. He does this because it cause him annoyance and distress.  To finalize my theory, The film begins with a song that WALL-E loves and always sings to himself.---He is the only robot on Eath after all—Sunday cloths from Hello Dolly.

Assignment 3

Assignment 2

Assignment 1


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